Customers circumstances change – and not always through their own doing. The customer you onboard today, won’t be the same customer in a few months or years. They may have grown bigger, taken on more debt, been let down by a non-paying client, been subject to poor administration, or just had a change in the market that has adversely affected their ability to keep their business profitable or viable.

Keep an eye on customers with our monitoring & alerts
While it is important to do a Credit Check at the outset of your business relationship with a potential customer, it is equally important to continue these checks throughout the life of the relationship.
Manage risk with ongoing watches
Some of the largest building companies in NZ’s history have failed in recent times. Mainzeal, Eberts, Hawkins, and the original Stonewood Homes come to mind. No company is invulnerable to failure.
Therefore ongoing ‘Watches’, and monitoring of the companies on your ledger are imperative to ensuring your own financial position doesn’t come under threat.

Customer Monitoring & Alerts
By signing up to AlertMe Monitoring services, we can provide you with an alert the moment a customer shows signs of potential distress. Be it a Change of Name or status at the NZ Companies Office, a resignation of a Director, a Public Notice in a national paper or Gazette, a Judgment or Default through the Courts, a Winding Up petition, or even a notification from our own client sources relating to something as simple as a Stop Credit being applied. All may be signs of potential problems to come, so the old adage – Forewarned is Forearmed certainly comes to mind in these situations.
So if you would like to consider Monitoring all, or some, of your customers along these lines – totally anonymously of course – then talk to our people about how we can set this up, thus ensuring you of a better night’s sleep knowing your most important asset is being watched over for you.