New Year, New Trends – Credit Report Jan Month-End

March 5, 2024

What does the New Year Signal – Open our monthly Market Insights Report based on 31 January data to find out!

Each year we see seasonal peaks in 60 and 90 day payment arrears over the December / January period while customers are closed down / on leave and ‘miss’ payments.

Our in-depth trade data is showing a marked increase in the January 60 and 90-day arrears, but more importantly above previous year’s levels. February and March data will give a clearer view of the trend as we head into 2024. Comments from our clients indicate that they are having to push harder for payment in some industry segments, and this shows in the Days Sales Outstandings by industry data.

To make navigating the report you can now click on sections in the Contents Page to navigate start to the section you need.



CreditWorks Group holds New Zealand’s largest trade database, and we have the very best view of commercial credit performance from civil/foundations through the entire building process to fitout and finish. Discuss with us today how we can help you with comprehensive credit reporting and monitoring of your customers. Our goal is to help you grow sales while minimising risk.


Please note that due to the vast amount of data required to produce these reports, most of which is accessed from a multitude of external sources, there is an inevitable time delay in their generation. However we prefer to defer their publication in favour of ensuring greater accuracy.

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