Our monthly Market Insights Report based on 30 September data is out now. This month we see the final full month of pre-election data, before what will be a mixed October set. View the report to get the full picture.
Sales across the main industries we track continue to remain soft, with Building Merchants down 9.5% year on year (Not inflation adjusted).
Debtor Arrears continued to improve in the September heading back to towards 2022 levels. Early indications for October data are a very flat month with the election slowing some sales decisions and then an increase in activity late October and into November.
Recent highlighted liquidations in the Hospitality Industry demonstrate the ongoing “Cost of Living Crisis” and we will being watching this segment along with Retail closely as we enter the Christmas period.
Our Insights Report continues to grow with additional analytics. To make navigating the report you can now click on sections in the Contents Page to navigate start to the section you need
CreditWorks Group holds New Zealand’s largest trade database, and we have the very best view of commercial credit performance from civil/foundations through the entire building process to fitout and finish. Discuss with us today how we can help you with comprehensive credit reporting and monitoring of your customers. Our goal is to help you grow sales while minimising risk.
Please note that due to the vast amount of data required to produce these reports, most of which is accessed from a multitude of external sources, there is an inevitable time delay in their generation. However we prefer to defer their publication in favour of ensuring greater accuracy.